Springfield City Group Chairman receives global award

Springfield City Group Chairman receives global award

Springfield City Group Chairman Maha Sinnathamby AM has been recognised in global corporate leadership awards for the vision that has produced Australia’s fastest-growing city.

Mr Sinnathamby was named Property Founder & Visionary Chairman of the Year in the CEO Monthly’s annual Chairperson awards that feature recipients from the likes of the United Kingdom, Germany, Scotland, Canada and the United States.

Mr Sinnathamby was among 12 Chairs to be recognised in the awards that acknowledge the changing roles of Chairs.

“The bar is higher than ever,” CEO Monthly wrote when announcing the awards.

The magazine noted the factors of climate and diversity commitments and increased scrutiny on the likes of equity and inclusivity in modern businesses.

The magazine applauded Greater Springfield’s achievement over 30 years as Australia’s first master-planned city since Canberra.

“Instead of mimicking what has been done elsewhere, Mr Sinnathamby and his Springfield City Group team have established themselves as trailblazers,” CEO Monthly wrote.

“Springfield city has been developed with partnerships built on the understanding of the founders’ vision, but these partnerships flowed only after hard work. This was a long-term project that would become the key to uniting the areas of Brisbane, Ipswich and Logan into a complementary urban network.

“Greater Springfield would have a CBD, an education precinct, a health precinct, an innovation precinct, excellent transport and many families who would live long, productive lives without the headaches of traditional cities built without planning coordination.”

Mr Sinnathamby said he was honoured to receive the award given the international contenders.

“This has been a team effort for decades and we are excited that Australia has been recognised for a visionary project,” Mr Sinnathamby said.

“This city has always been built on the goal to enhance human and social capital. Brain power is the foundation of the world’s most renowned cities. When planning our city, I wanted to provide all the elements necessary for people and their ideas to flourish.”

Springfield city now includes 53,000 residents utilising schools, tertiary education, hospital and health services and innovative businesses in its booming Knowledge Precinct.

“And that’s just the beginning,” Mr Sinnathamby said.

“We have 65 per cent left to do but the fundamentals are in place and as a city, we look forward to the future with open arms.”

The full list of winners of the CEO Monthly Chairperson Awards can be found here: https://www.ceo-review.com/issues/2022-chairperson-awards/2/